
Growing up.

Sorry I haven't posted in forever...my camera is slowly breaking.. and where it used to take pictures 50% of the time that i tried, now its more like 20% of the time. I've missed many memories because of that stupid thing. Oh well...I hoping Daddy will let me get a new one soon...
Anyway here's some ok and some blurry pictures of the kids lately! Little Claire turned one on the 15th :)



We got our family pictures taken yesterday..here is the few "teaser" pictures she posted to her facebook..I have to wait 14 days!! I can't wait!


Harvest time..

This is pretty much the best time of year. Finn is happy because he gets to ride in a combine or at least see one in operation almost every day. We have also started a routine of taking a wagon ride around the farm every morning, saying hi to the boys in the shop, collecting things, and the entire time the two of them going "ahhhhhh..." while we ride on the gravel driveways. It's pretty cute.

And I also have to say I am a very very very proud Aunt of Henry Graham, born last Monday to my little sis..he's soo beautiful..and congratulations to them:)

Finn getting ready for his first ride in the combine of the year (going in the backround)! Seriously how cute are those coveralls.

And the little princess..normally they're both in the wagon but Finn jumps out in one second once it stops:)


The pointer..

Claire's new thing, pointing..at everything. Every day she does it more and more. I think it's hilarious that she started doing that because we actually never point. Anyway I got some cute pictures of "the point" while we were apple picking with friends this weekend...and a few more of just the kids in general.

Is it even possible to get a good picture of a 2 year old and 9 month old together...no. This is the best I could do!


Laughing babies.

For some reason Claire thought Finn falling on the couch was sooo hilarious, it was awesome. Yes, we are watching tv and sitting on the couch at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday. Joe is just getting over what he says is the sickest he has ever been. But he finally is getting better!


Picking tomatoes..

I promise I didn't try to match the tomatoes to his shirt. The matching made me get my camera. He is a good helper, even if he does eat all the tomatoes by sucking the juice out and spitting out the skins.


Made my day..

I caught this little moment and I'm soo happy I did.


7 months

I ran out of onesies :( and time to take pictures in monthly onesies.
But here is our little peanut..7 months old tomorrow.


Almost 2

I can't believe our baby will be two on Sunday. I was afraid of two.. but so far, it's been mostly hilarious and adorable. Just when you think you want to freeze time and can't love them more, you do.

I think he will be the youngest farmer ever. He can't wait to get up to go look out and see what tractors are here, what's going on, then we have to call Daddy and ask him what he's doing??? followed by Finn telling me all morning... "Da's plowing the field" Da's spraying the corn." (We are now "da, ma, and care")
He's been helping me in the garden this year, I feel like we grew it together. Whenever we are outside he always says, "how are the plants doing? and "Let's go smell the flowers."
I know some of this is because we do it..but there's a lot of things we do that he doesn't repeat. I think he has a natural love of nature.

Our first cucumber! "I don't like it ma."

He's a great boy.


6 months, a bunch of pictures.

Eating apples..she clearly loves it..

My friend Amber took these on our porch..


Finn & Claire

This week the sweetest thing has started to happen. These two have started to play together. Mostly it's just Finn making Claire smile or laugh. By wanting to put her in a box, or saying "boo" in her face really loud.

But how could you not laugh at this guy?
Steph..can you believe this still fits?



Just thought I'd share some spring pictures.

And a few more of the girl, since I forgot to post 5 month pictures..


My boy

I love drinking tea before I go to bed at night, I have since I was little! I couldn't wait to have a daughter that I could give a little teacup to drink it with me. I was wrong.. Finn loves tea. I thought it was just going to be a one time thing, Joe is drinking it now too and so I knew Finn would want to try it. I got out a little tiny teacup and saucer.. (an espresso cup actually)..and poured him half tea, half water. He loved it.. and now asks for it every night. So now every night we have tea together, and "talk about animals". :)


Abc's and family

First of all here is a cute little video of Finn trying to say his ABC's! He has made it all the way through a few times! I love how he says "now I know my OBC"s". And then he just wants bread.

Also my family came out to the farm last week. There are so many funny things about this picture.

My sister Kathryn is almost halfway through her pregnancy! She is showing but it didn't show up as much in the picture.
Claire had fun but she is always a little overwhelmed when there's lots of people!
And lastly, this picture makes me happy. These pencils cost $1.