
Picking tomatoes..

I promise I didn't try to match the tomatoes to his shirt. The matching made me get my camera. He is a good helper, even if he does eat all the tomatoes by sucking the juice out and spitting out the skins.


  1. He's so sweet! where did you pick those tomatoes? It looks like so much fun.

  2. Little Farmer Finn in training!

  3. Thats great he loves tomatoes! Also, I don't believe you that you didn't plan his shirt to match, you are so country-cool (winky emoticon). Kidding, he is the sweetest little boy.

  4. Thanks you guys and I should have said it in the post Alyssa- we picked them in our little garden he and I planted! He seriously is a little farmer in training he already loves planting things and watching them grow!

  5. My favorite boy! He is getting too big tell him to please stop it.
