
Finn talking...

I sent this to Bill and Jen...thought I'd post it on here to show how much he tries to talk and how cute it is...


It's Fall!

The weather has been so amazing this weekend we decided to take Finn for a walk on Saturday afternoon, it was so fun! We wanted to see how he would do in the baby bjorn, and he loved it...He slept half the time, and then when he woke up he mostly just licked it... he loves to taste everything! He is really starting to "talk" baby talk, every morning he just goes on and on while me and Joe listen...overall he is really starting to grow and change so fast now, and...HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! 


Finn in the morning

Finn is sooo cute in the morning! He slowly goes from sleepy, to kind of mad, getting happier, then he just starts laughing and smiling for like 15 minutes!