
A simple fact.

Since we left Jehovahs Witnesses, everything seems so obvious that I wonder how I ever believed it.
I still feel that members of Jehovahs Witnesses are sincere. I do not hate them. Its sort of like how witnesses say they hate "the world" but for example, they don't necessarily hate a wordly coworker, I feel I am very against Jehovahs Witnesses but I still very much love my family.
Here is a simple question that you can use to find out if even just one basic doctrine of Jehovahs Witnesses is true. And it is doing a quick Google search on when Jerusalem was destroyed. There is actually no evidence that it was in 607 BCE.
I mean you can even skip googling, ask Siri on your phone, when was Jerusalem destroyed? It's not even open to opinion, its a fact.
There is not really an excuse, they lie about this. They made this claim many years ago and now they have to twist things to make it work, or else everything falls apart. And they do this all the time. Instead of reading their hugely stretched interpretation and taking everything they say as absolute, think about it. They change all the time, Jehovahs Witnesses were expected to believe in articles years ago that say things 100% differently then they say now. Its unfair that they can change and members are expected to follow unquestioningly.
This is a core doctrine of Jehovahs witnesses. It's so simple to see that it is not true, and I just wish that before throwing away people that love you forever, or raising kids with that prospect, you'd just care enough to research a little. It makes me so so sad, it's all for a lie.
When you allow yourself to be informed and think critically, you will not be tricked. Jehovahs Witnesses are being investigated all over the world for their dangerous policies. Thousands of pedophiles protected under their "two witness rule", and failure to report them
to police. The innapropriate set up of judicial committees, run only by men, interviewing young girls about sexual experiences. Are you deep down messed up because of having to do that? Yup, so am I, and it isn't your fault.
They are running out of money. They are brainwashing kids to donate money. They are rebranding to JW.org, because "Jehovahs Witnesses" sounds weird and if you google Jehovahs Witnesses you'll see all of the sites exposing them, so they are fighting back. Why wouldn't they be proud to use Jehovahs name anymore? They are acting like financial decisions they make are because they are growing, when they aren't. They sold Brooklyn properties and made millions.
They have carts set up at Walmart. Its a religion that sets carts up at Walmart.
Will you please just give it a chance? Will you please not put your children in my position without doing your research?
The world is a beautiful place. Life is hard but we need eachother to get through it.
No one can claim to know the reality of invisible things, especially to the point of emotionally blackmailing people to believe it.
The world is also changing, at least here in America. You can't hate people because of their sexual orientation, or their race. You cant discriminate against women anymore, we are equal. You can't deny evolution anymore, whether there is a creator or not, it's how we got here. And there's going to be less and less room for these fear based religions masking themselves as loving ones.
The kids ask about you. I feel like there is a ticking clock until they forget, and I can't bear to tell them the truth.
(Please see my most recent blog post on the testimony of governing body member Geoffrey Jackson.)