Hello family and friends, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. We had such an awesome time on the 2 trips we took this summer.. thought I'd finally share some pictures! First we went to Cayuga Lake with my family, the weather was so nice everyday and it was just the perfect little place! It was right on the water, so we had a view of the lake from inside and outside..the deck was huge and it had a swimming dock about a hundred feet from the dock which we used a lot.

It was really all Finn needed at this age..he loved the little "beach" by our house..it started his obsession with "woocks"..he would collect rocks with Grandpa..or Daddy or Mommy or whoever he could get..then throw them off the deck into the water. I think he could have done that for days. Well he did actually...We did wine tasting (not me, Finn and I played with the cat), blew bubbles, Finn cooked with Grandpa and played with Grandma and walked up and down the stairs over and over with multiple family members, the boys did flips over eachother into the water..(if you don't know my brother him and joe are very weird when they are together and this is a joke)..overall just got to spend time with my family and just relax! I can't believe how much being around everyone taught him so many new things! I felt like when we got home he was a new baby..he could honk noses and say so many words, knock on doors, so many things I can't count but I feel like it was the beginning of him really starting to talk and learn things.

And then there was Hatteras...which started out perfect..

With good friends, presents for Finn, and the beach everyday playing in the waves..

And then hurricane Earl. And we had to evacuate.

It was very dissappointing because we were having such a nice time..but at least we had our 3 really nice days! Today we are back home and ready for fall...
The most exciting things in our lives right now are learning how to use a spoon, eating apples and....

they are chopping corn in the field across the road which has made it possible for me to work on this post..Finn has not stepped away from the window and has said "Look!" and "TRUCK!" more times than i can count! I'd really like to update on my beautiful little baby shower this weekend..hopefully soon!