Sorry I haven't updated in so long..I've been busy keeping a secret! Another little bean is on it's way!!!! If you are a family member and this is how you are finding out I'm sincerely sorry, I wasn't as thorough with being able to tell everyone this time! The due date is December 14, and we could not be more excited...We had our first sonogram today and everything looked great so we are sooo relieved. The doctor even said there may be a "stem on the apple" (meaning it could be a boy) but he definitely wasn't sure and I am trying not to take that tooo seriously. As for Finn if he knew what was going on he probably would feel a little worried but excited too. All he knows now is that he has been having lots of fun spending extra time with Grandpa and Grandma Gimbrone while we go to doctor's appointments. He finally learned to crawl, like for real crawl (he has been dragging himself along with one arm for months) and this comes just in time for him to skip the whole crawling stage and start walking...he is ALMOST there..he figured out he can get around the entire house by hanging onto things. He says mama, dada, baba when he wants his bottle and when it's just me and him alone he says "wow" in the cutest way...well I will be posting updates on 2 babies now!! it really is our dream come true and we are so excited to experience this again! (the story behind Finn's shirt in picture #2....I wanted to tell my family in a fun way..so I made this shirt for Finn and just put it on him one night while we were all hanging out at my parents house. Everyone was definitely surprised, it was awesome!)